Public Art



Through Their Eyes took place at Palumbo Park in Philadelphia from January 29 to April 11, 2010. George Washington Elementary School’s 7th grade students took pictures of themselves, their families and their neighborhoods so they could study each others’ photos and learn about the diverse cultures of their fellow students. The students chose their favorite photographs and wrote captions for each shot, explaining why they took that particular photo and what it meant to them. The final images were then mounted on trees in Palumbo Park as part of Philagrafika, a city-wide art exhibition.



In a one day residency at Love Park in Philadelphia on October 10, 2009, 100 people were asked to create a fingerprint and answer the following four questions:

Where do you live?
Whom do you live with?
What do you wish for?
What do you worry about?

100 fingerprints and answers covered the walls of the glass house.